
LikeIsaid,IliketheFive-MinuteJournal.It'sexercisesaskingyoutobegrateful.countyourwinsfortheday,andreflectonhowitcould ...,TheFive-MinuteJournalassistsitsusersinformingahappinesshabit—andonlylastsfiveminutes(didyouseethatcoming?).,TheFiveMinuteJournalisaguidedhappinessjournal(oragratitudejournalifyou'refeelingoldschool).It'sbeenmarketedforpeoplewhodon'tgenerally ...,Thepremiseofthejournalfocuse...

Brutally Honest Five Minute Journal Review

Like I said, I like the Five-Minute Journal. It's exercises asking you to be grateful. count your wins for the day, and reflect on how it could ...

The Five-Minute Journal Review: The Fast

The Five-Minute Journal assists its users in forming a happiness habit—and only lasts five minutes (did you see that coming?).

The Five Minute Journal

The Five Minute Journal is a guided happiness journal (or a gratitude journal if you're feeling old school). It's been marketed for people who don't generally ...

Our Editor's Honest Review of The Five-Minute Journal

The premise of the journal focuses on one thing: positive thinking. It aims to help you shift your mentality and build the habit of thinking ...

Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal

供應中 評分 4.6 (16,781) The 5 Minute Journal for women and men is specially crafted for positive manifestation and improved confidence as you get on with your day.

An Honest Review of the Five Minute Journal

The Five Minute Journal is a gratitude journal with pages for six months' worth of daily, undated entries. The journal starts with a preface ...

The Five Minute Journal®

供應中 評分 4.9 (464) Spend only five minutes practicing gratitude to boost positivity, reduce anxiety, and improve well-being. It's the simplest, science-backed way to a happier ... Blush pink · Royal blue · Earth green ·

I Tried The Five Minute Journal: Here's My Honest Review

This daily gratitude journal is easy to use and has been a game changer for my daily routine. I like to keep it on my nightstand, so I never ...

The Five Minute Journal. : rJournaling

I really wanted this five minute journal routine to work, but I found it repetitive and not productive. I found myself writing the same things on what I was ...

Why I Love The Five Minute Journal

I love the Five Minute Journal and have used it consistently for 5+ years. I've gifted at least three dozen copies to friends and family. Here's why I love it.